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Step 5 - Provision the SDK

In this step we will provision the SDK under the client's domain.

  1. All the below operations are to be performed under the terraform organization created in the step 2.
  2. Setting up the workspace
    • Create a workspace with name sdk prefixed with the organization's environment type. For e.g. if env is prod then the workspace name will be prod-sdk.
    • Choose /sdk in the terraform github repository for version control with default branch pointing to master.
    • Configure the following variables for the workspace
      1. sdk_domains - (HCL) client's domain where SDK is hosted. Replace <domain> with the client's domain.
            endpoint = "<domain>"
            dns_map_ack_success = false
  3. Attach this workspace to the respective variable set of the organization created in Step 2.
  4. Run the pipeline by Actions.

    • Click on Actions and then Start new run to start a new run.
    • Below variables are present in the output
      1. loadbalancer - loadbalancer for client's domain
      2. sdk_domains_mapping - DNS authentication to SDK domains. For e.g.
            "endpoint": "<domain>",
            "record_name": "xxx",
            "record_value": "xxx",
            "type": "CNAME"
  5. The above pipeline creates a SSL/TLS certificate under the client's domain. This certificate needs to be verified via the DNS strategy.

    • Client needs to create a CNAME record with the above record_name and record_value as name and target respectively.
    • Proxy status for the CNAME record should be kept off.
    • Create another CNAME record for client's domain, where the name is endpoint and target is loadbalancer. This step points the client's domain to the application deployed under the loadbalancer pointed by loadbalancer
  6. Edit dns_map_ack_success key in sdk_domains variable to true once the DNS records are in place.
        endpoint = "<domain>"
        dns_map_ack_success = true
  7. Click on Actions and then Start new run to start a new run.
  8. To verify the changes, hit the /sdk/v1/geo/city endpoint over client's domain <domain>. This will give your geo location.

Next step

Hosting the CDN